12 day plan for beautiful skin
Let’s find out details about the 12-day plan to have beautiful skin right away with ELLE!
Day 1: Water is the source of life
You already know that drinking 3 liters of water a day is essential for healthy skin because it helps flush out toxins and helps internal organs function effectively.
Day 2: Exercise
Cardiovascular exercises help increase blood flow and the amount of oxygen in your blood moves better.
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Day 3: Say NO to sugar
There is a seemingly harmless habit that affects the beauty of your skin.
Day 4: Invest in sleep
Your body is an incredible computer.
Day 5: Staying out of the sun is work
Part of your daily beauty regimen is skin protection.
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Day 6: Exfoliate
Always follow the rules of exfoliation and moisturizing.
Day 7: Colorful cuisine
Eating colorful, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables not only keeps your measurements perfect, it also improves the radiance of your skin.
Day 8: Glow with bronze
Never underestimate the power of makeup when you want bright skin.
Day 9: Enjoy the steam
Relaxing for a few minutes in the sauna at your sports club once or twice a week is great for the skin.
Day 10: Change hair color
After each season you want to change your hair color.
Day 11: Skin care with Vitamin A-B-C
Doctors recommend that women take a daily multivitamin to improve overall health and radiant skin.
Day 12: Take advantage of minerals
Do you love natural beauty?