14 ways to take care of yourself during the COVID-19 epidemic
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14 ways to take care of yourself during the COVID-19 epidemic

Kathleen Dahlen deVos (a psychotherapist in San Francisco) said that perhaps the concept of self-care for most people is straying from its original core meaning.

According to Ryan Hooper, Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois (USA), self-care is a means of mental recovery and nurturing positive emotions.

1. Clean and rearrange your living space

Jesse Kahn, Director of the New York Gender and Sexuality Therapy Center, affirms that a messy living space can negatively impact the mood of many people.

Photo: Unsplash

2. Limit use of social networks

Not only is it a waste of time, mindlessly scrolling through social networks for many hours also causes people to lose focus, have sleep disorders and often feel stressed due to the fear of missing out.

3. Write a diary

Writing a diary helps us understand our thinking and behavior through the reflection of true emotions in each page, while cultivating gratitude for the beautiful life.

14 ways to take care of yourself during the COVID-19 epidemic

Photo: Unsplash

4. Sleep better

A quality sleep can strengthen the immune system, improve mood, and improve work performance.

5. Meditate

Meditation helps us have moments of peace, relaxation and deep connection with our soul.

14 ways to take care of yourself during the COVID-19 epidemic

Photo: Freepik

6. Listen to yourself

At the end of each day, you should take time to talk to yourself.

7. exercise

One of the ways to take care of yourself that cannot be ignored is moderate exercise.

8. Connect with loved ones

Self-care doesn’t mean focusing solely on yourself.

14 ways to take care of yourself during the COVID-19 epidemic

Photo: Unsplash

9. Invest in a hobby

Work, family, and the obligations of being an adult woman may be taking up too much of your time.

10. Take deep breaths

According to The Healthsite, studies have shown that breathing properly helps eliminate toxins, improve mental health and increase cardiovascular activity.

14 ways to take care of yourself during the COVID-19 epidemic

Photo: Unsplash

11. Participate in volunteer activities

Participating in volunteer programs is one of the most effective and meaningful ways to take care of yourself.

You can start with simple activities such as donating money to public agencies’ anti-COVID-19 campaign, donating to organizations supporting people in the West to fight drought and saltwater intrusion, or if you have time

12. Eat lots of green vegetables

Green vegetables provide a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, help prevent constipation, eliminate cholesterol and prevent colorectal cancer.

14 ways to take care of yourself during the COVID-19 epidemic

Photo: Unsplash

13. Say “No” more

Saying `No` more is also a self-care method that we should apply in daily life.

14. love yourself

14 ways to take care of yourself during the COVID-19 epidemic

Photo: Unsplash

We only live once and life is extremely short and uncertain.

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