The book became a global phenomenon: The Girl on the Train
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The book became a global phenomenon: The Girl on the Train

When the book became a global phenomenon, people were surprised to ask who Paula Hawkins was.

Paula went through difficult days, having to live on borrowed money to be able to complete her passionate work.


The Girl on the Train – Paula Hawkins

The main character of The Girl on the Train is Rachel – a woman living at the bottom of her life: no money, no husband, alcoholic, haunted by other people’s lives.

The book is written in the detective genre, however the mysterious story of finding answers to a disappearance is actually just an excuse for the author to talk about human fate under the pressures of life.

This is probably the first special feature of The Girl on the Train – the main character is a woman that no one wants to love at first sight.


The book became a global phenomenon: The Girl on the Train

The Girl on The Train is a New York bestseller

At the same time, this is also a book that reminds readers about how to live in an era where every individual can become a victim and a hero.

Many people have compared the success of this work with another famous work by another female writer: Gone Girl.

However, when asked for her opinion, Paula Hawkins completely objected to this comparison.

Q&A With Paula Hawkins


The book became a global phenomenon: The Girl on the Train

Female author Paula Hawkins

Where did her story ideas come from?

Like most people in big cities, I spend a lot of time riding the train or bus looking out the window at a street and houses, now and then catching a glimpse of other people’s lives.

Tell us more about the main character Rachel?

She is someone who falls from the peak of happiness to the abyss.


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