Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose
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Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

Here are some good quotes about life purpose to help you find meaning and motivation to continue on your life’s journey.

Good sayings encourage you to find the meaning of life

Are you still on the journey to finding your life purpose?

“I believe that purpose is something one is responsible for, not divinely assigned.”

“If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t need to be motivated.

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“If you can’t find your purpose, find your passion.

“Consistency in purpose is one of the essential factors for success in life, no matter what that goal may be.”

“The two most important days in life are the day you were born and the day you found out why you were here.”

“Living is not enough.

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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“Great minds have goals, the rest only have dreams.”

“The heart of a remarkable person begins to beat when he discovers something to pursue – something that attracts you, liberates you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, happiness or passion.

“To begin to think with purpose, you must join the ranks of the strong who recognize failure as one of the paths to achievement.”

“The secret of human existence lies not in living, but in finding something to live for.”

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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“A soul without a fixed purpose in life is a lost soul;

“Once you find out the WHY, you won’t be lazy in bed anymore!

“A person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.”

“You were brought into this world to become the greatest version of yourself, to live your purpose and do it courageously.”

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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“The best way to prolong our days is to walk steadily with a purpose.”

“By setting and pursuing goals, you lose nothing and gain much.

“Find your purpose in life, what you truly want to do with all your time and life;

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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Good quotes inspire you to achieve your goals

Sometimes, you have found your life goals but don’t have enough motivation and inspiration to realize them.

“People choose different paths to find satisfaction and happiness.

“The self is created, not given.”

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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“Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.”

“You can have anything you want – as long as you want it enough.

“If you build your life around desire, you can turn that desire into your story and turn that story into something bigger – something important.”

“Living is a rare thing in the world.

“The road to our destination is not a straight line.

“The purpose of life is to live, to experience until the end, to eagerly reach out for new and richer experiences without fear.”

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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“Don’t let your big ambitions prevent small but meaningful achievements.”

“True glory lies in doing things worth writing about, writing things worth reading, and in living so that the world becomes a happier and more livable place.”

“It’s not that we don’t have time, it’s that we’ve lost too much… The life we are given is not short but we make it so;

“First you have to be yourself, then do what you need to do to get what you want.”

“Challenges are what make life interesting.

“Believe in yourself, take on challenges, dig deep inside to conquer your fears.

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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“Let’s move forward in life.

“It is better to live a meaningful life and make a difference than simply live a long life.”

“The cities, the roads, the countryside, the people I met – it all started to become a blur.

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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Good sayings help you live your life’s purpose

If you are going too far from your original goals, these are good quotes to help you get back on track and find meaning in life.

“Determining your purpose is the beginning of all achievements.”

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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“There is no greater gift you can give or receive than appreciating the calling of life.

“Follow your passion, not your pension.”

“Musicians must make music, painters must paint, poets must write if they can finally find peace with themselves.

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

Photo: Unsplash

“If you can understand your purpose and truly align with it, set goals so that your vision represents that purpose, and your life will be much smoother.”

“True happiness…is not achieved from complacency, but from fidelity to a worthy cause.”

`Life is very difficult.

“What do I live for and what do I die for are two similar questions.”

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

Photo: Unsplash

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs;

“Everyone is created to do something and the desire for that thing is placed in every heart.”

“The secret of success is steadfastness of purpose.”

“Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

Photo: Unsplash

“Happiness lies within.

“Let the beauty of what you love become what you do.”

“Perhaps the most important ingredient in life for happiness and contentment is purpose.”

Good sayings help you firmly pursue your life purpose

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