17 signs he loves you
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17 signs he loves you


Join ELLE magazine to discover 17 signs he loves you.

1. Make eye contact

Most men, when they don’t enjoy something, they look away.

17 signs he loves you

2. It feels interesting to you

If he wants to learn more about your interests and soul and not just stop at your attractive appearance, he probably really likes you.


17 signs he loves you

3. Caressing gestures

If the guy is often remembered as a dry person who doesn’t know how to make romantic gestures to anyone;

17 signs he loves you

4. Small collisions

The act of caressing is different from small touches.

17 signs he loves you


Find out the mood when falling in love

5. Introduces you to his friends

If a man really wants to seriously develop a relationship with you, he won’t hesitate to introduce you as his girlfriend to his friends.

17 signs he loves you

6. He wants you to meet his family

Once you’re done introducing him to his friends, he’ll want to introduce you to his family.

17 signs he loves you

7. He always takes the initiative to text you first


17 signs he loves you

If your guy keeps calling and texting you first, he’s showing that he really cares about you.

8. Makes you laugh

Guys who truly love you will never want to see you sad.

17 signs he loves you

9. Make time for you


17 signs he loves you

Only guys who like you and want to be interested in you will find every reason to approach you or spend time with you.

10. He is jealous

Jealousy in some situations but not too much shows the state of a man in love.

17 signs he loves you


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11. Discuss the future

If he tells you about his future plans and at the same time asks you if you ever think like him?

12. He gave in

He won’t try to argue with you.

13. He changes himself for you

He understands that making you happy is especially important.

17 signs he loves you

14. He wants to protect and protect you

When you go out late at night, or go somewhere alone, he often shows concern and worries, calling to make sure you’re okay.

17 signs he loves you

15. He can’t stay mad at you for long

If a guy can’t be angry with you for many hours, then it must be love.

16. He appreciates your perspective

If he appreciates your opinion and the things you say, it means he appreciates you.

17 signs he loves you
17 signs he loves you

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17. He said “I love you”

He finally admitted and exclaimed to you, “I love you.”

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