10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging
1 min read

10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

1. Use sunscreen

You can skip a few steps in your skin care routine, but sun protection is a must.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Use sunscreen

10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Pocket 5 types of sunscreen for Asian skin

2. Exercise

Exercise makes your body healthier from the inside out.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Do exercise

3. Facial massage

When using night creams, combine them with massage movements to help the product penetrate better and lift your face.

10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Face massage

4. Exfoliate

Every week you should exfoliate 1-2 times. After removing dead cells and dirt, your skin will produce new cells to help your skin look brighter and smoother.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Kill death celk

5. Moisturize

Dry skin will easily cause wrinkles to appear, so always keep your skin moisturized with moisturizer or essential oils.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging


6. Remove makeup properly

Before going to bed, make sure your face is clean.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Remove makeup cleanly

7. Get enough sleep

Sleep plays an extremely important role in preserving beauty for women.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Get enough sleep

8. Take vitamin supplements

It is difficult to accurately quantify whether the amount of vitamins you provide to your body through meals is enough or not.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Take vitamin supplements

9. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol

Except for 2 glasses of wine a day which are really beneficial for the body, using alcoholic beverages and smoking are the fastest ways to add years to your skin.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Quit smoking and drinking alcohol

10. Always have fun

“A smile is equal to ten doses of tonic” – this is always true in all cases.


10 simple habits to help prevent skin aging

Always happy


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