Big Bike Saigon – Travel with passion
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Big Bike Saigon – Travel with passion

1. Vietnam’s first Big Bike through Khao Yai National Forest in Nakhon Ratchasima.

Owning a Big Bike in Vietnam has now become very easy, forming many groups with similar interests, the names ACE MTSG (Saigon Motorcycle Brothers and Sisters), U17

Among the roads in the country that Big Bike chooses as its annual destination, Thailand is always an attractive choice with infrastructure advantages, enough to accommodate adventurous journeys at the same speed.

Big Bike Saigon – Travel with passion


The highest mountain peak in Thailand is Doi Inthanon – 2,565m above sea level, also an attractive route with many very sharp and dangerous turns – conquered by Big Bike Saigon in 2012. Thailand also has

Big Bike Saigon – Travel with passion

11. Big Bike when operating well will be a game of speed, but problems will be a disaster for the owner.

It took two years of waiting and preparation, the journey to Mae Hong Son – the most spectacular steep pass in Southeast Asia – was completed by 27 Big Bike Saigon riders (ACE MTSG group) and friends from Russia, Thailand.

Big Bike Saigon – Travel with passion

13. Big Bike ACE MTSG on the border between Thailand – Myanmar.

Every Big Bike journey is always full of joy, but also full of hardships when facing the unpredictable sun and rain of the journey, plus sudden vehicle breakdowns.

Big Bike Saigon – Travel with passion

Every Big Bike journey is always full of joy, but also full of hardships when facing the unpredictable sun and rain of the journey, plus sudden vehicle breakdowns.

Every Big Bike journey is always full of joy, but also full of hardships when facing the unpredictable sun and rain of the journey, plus sudden vehicle breakdowns.

Going on a journey with a large displacement vehicle, traveling at a very high speed, if you do not have enough skills and discipline, just one small mistake will leave no chance for the drivers to make the same mistake again and again.

– A cross-border Big Bike journey through Cambodia and Thailand has an average distance of 3,000-4,000km, travel time of 8-9 days, trip cost of more than 2,000 USD.

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