List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss
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List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Lose weight, maintain shape and beautify your skin thanks to the top 5 easy-to-eat organic foods

Modern life makes people increasingly busy, they have many concerns to take care of their lives.

Modern life makes people increasingly busy, they have many concerns to take care of their lives.

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Modern life makes people increasingly busy, they have many concerns to take care of their lives.

Modern life makes people increasingly busy, they have many concerns to take care of their lives.

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Modern life makes people increasingly busy, they have many concerns to take care of their lives.

3. Eggs

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Eggs are considered a companion in the weight loss process, especially for those who want to maintain or develop their body’s muscle mass.

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Signs that you are losing muscle and losing weight the wrong way

4. Tofu

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

For vegetarians, tofu is a source of protein for the body.

5. Chicken

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Nutrition experts have recognized chicken breast as a miracle food for weight loss menus.

6. Bell pepper

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Bell peppers are not only beautiful to look at, but are also an effective secret to weight loss.

7. Broccoli

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Did you know that just one cup of broccoli provides the body with enough vitamins for a day?

8. Spinach

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Does anyone remember Popeye the sailor boy with his magical box of vegetables that gave him instant physical strength?

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss
List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Spinach salad (Photo: Isidor Emanuel)

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Spinach soup

Spinach mixed with sesame

9. Asparagus

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

A few years ago, asparagus was a rather strange food to Vietnamese people, from the name to the way to enjoy it.

10. Cauliflower

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

One of the nominated categories is healthy food, cauliflower cannot be missed.

11. Apricots

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

On a hot summer afternoon, skipping a glass of iced apricot water would be a waste.

12. Kiwi

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Beauty lovers don’t forget this super attractive tropical fruit.

13. Watermelon

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Watermelon contains a lot of vitamins A and C, which are a source of nutrients that support weight loss.

14. Cantaloupe

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

The yellow color of melon looks really attractive.

15. Peach

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

It’s not too surprising to see the appearance of peaches on this list.

16. Chickpeas

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

It may sound a bit strange, but chickpeas are a very familiar food and easy to find.

17. Black beans

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Thanks to its composition of fiber, protein, potassium, and many health-beneficial nutrients, black beans are always the perfect choice for those who want the weight loss process to go better.

18. Butter

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

According to experts, avocados contain fats, oleic acid, which are beneficial for the body, and also have the effect of temporarily suppressing hunger, creating a feeling of fullness and eliminating sudden cravings.

19. Pumpkin

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Since childhood, we are often encouraged to eat a lot of pumpkin because its abundant vitamin A helps brighten our eyes.

20. Zucchini

List of 20 foods that effectively support weight loss

Have you ever tried losing weight `without stopping` with zucchini?

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