Discover yourself through the popular color test in Korea
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Discover yourself through the popular color test in Korea

Color is one of the important factors in psychology and life.

Photo: Girlstyle

Choose the four colors you like the most and arrange them in order from 1 to 4. Your choice will reflect your current situation.

First color

The test shows that the first color is the color that reflects your true self.

– White: You are gentle and compassionate.

– Yellow: You are calm, trustworthy and rarely leave your comfort zone.

– Orange: You want a stable and comfortable life.

– Green: You are someone who always goes straight to the point.

– Blue: Cold and unapproachable is often other people’s first impression of you.

– Purple: You attract the eyes of many people and have a bright personality.

– Red: Your personality is passionate, passionate and bright, similar to the color red.

Discover yourself through the popular color test in Korea


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Second color

The second color of the test will reveal obstacles in current life.

– White: Depends on others

– Yellow: Thinking too much

– Orange: Prioritize the interests of others and ignore your own interests

– Green: Procrastination and impatience

– Blue: Always pleases everyone

– Purple: Lack of efficiency and planning

– Red: Too realistic

Discover yourself through the popular color test in Korea

Photo: Pexels/ Ali Pazani

Third color

Your current status is shown through the third color of the test.

– White: You are struggling with negative emotions and overcoming past failures.

– Yellow: There will be many hardships and challenges waiting for you ahead, but you always feel optimistic.

– Orange: You are satisfied with your current stable life.

– Green: Recently, you have gradually lost interest in many things and become impatient.

– Blue: You feel unsettled and demotivated with everything you are doing.

– Purple: There is a lot of pressure in life.

– Red: You face many new challenges with confidence.

Discover yourself through the popular color test in Korea


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Fourth color

The final color will give you appropriate advice.

– White: Find someone who has similarities in personality with you to conquer life’s challenges together.

– Yellow: You should learn to adapt and improve problem-solving skills.

– Cam: Don’t let yourself get carried away by emotions.

– Green: Instead of always being too rigid, you can relax yourself to discover more new things in life.

– Blue: When you feel your abilities are limited, you can try different approaches to problems than usual or learn new skills.

– Purple: Taking on too many tasks at the same time will make you more tired.

– Red: You should try implementing aspects that few people exploit.

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